Pastor Search FAQ's

During this time of transition there will be many questions that arise as we navigate all the changes occurring at Riverbend.  Below we hope to provide some information in regards to our search for our next Pastor.   For any other questions that you may have please feel free to email us here .


What is the timeline of the Lead Pastor search?
  • While this is in God's Timing we have outlined three different phases of our Transition: Planning, Pastor Search, and Post Transition. 
  • We are currently in the Planning Phase.

How will the Lead Pastor be decided?
  • A Pastor search Team will be decided by nominations within the church (Ballots will be available on 8/8/21

What is the Selection Process of the Lead Pastor Search Team?
  • Riverbend Church members nominate search team candidates by written ballot
  • Each Riverbend Church member may nominate up to (3) qualified men & (3) qualified women
  • Ballots will be available two consecutive Sundays, August 15th & 22nd.  Ballots will also be available at the church office anytime
  • Ballots must be signed & returned to the church by Monday, August 30th.  Ballots received after this date will not be considered
  • The Leadership team will collect & tabulate the ballots & will confirm the qualifications of nominees & will speak with each nominee to confirm willingness to serve on the search team
  • The Leadership team will announce the final search team to the church on Sunday, 9/12

What will the Lead Pastor Search Team consist of and what are the qualifications?
  • The team will consist of 3 Women, 3 Men, and 2 Leadership team members (Selected by the Leadership Team).
  • In order to qualify the Team must be members of Riverbend Church for at least 3 years as of August 8th, Spouses may not serve together, and they must demonstrate high moral character. 

What are the responsibilities of the Lead Pastor Search Team?
  • The Lead Pastor Search Ministry Team will seek a suitable Lead Pastor who shall be unanimously approved by the team & brought to the Lead team for presentation before the church for consideration & vote
  • The Search Ministry Team will bring only one name at a time
  • The team will bring periodic progress reports to the Church during the search process
  • All information and recommendations received by the Lead Pastor Search Ministry Team are to be confidential
  • When the Church calls a Lead Pastor, the Lead Pastor Search Ministry Team will continue for six months to assist the new Lead Pastor in the transition to the church and community. At the end of that time the team will disband.

How will the progress be communicated to Riverbend?
  • Be on the lookout for Lead Pastor search updates each week in on-screen announcements & periodically from the search team during Sunday morning worship .
  • Check the website for updates. 
  • Get the Riverbend app for updates and other information!

How can I help now?
  • As we join together as a faith family in seeking the man the Lord has for our church, we encourage you to use this guide in the following pages to lead you in your times of prayer with Him.
    We are asking you to use this guide as a means of aligning us together in prayer for the very important task before us of selecting a new pastor.  To help facilitate this, we are planning to have scheduled times to join in focused prayer.  Please join with us at the following times at the church building:
    • 1st Tuesday evening each month @ 7PM
    • Each Sunday morning @ 9AM
  • We are also asking for the following:
    • Life Groups to take the first 15 minutes of each meeting for focused prayer
    • Our church family to partner together in small groups of 2-4 for focused prayer