Celebrating - Equipping - Reaching
We are a ministry of Riverbend Church that reaches out to middle School and high school Students in hernando and the surrounding area
Our mission is to help mold committed, reproducing followers of Christ who grow in His Word, connect with others, and follow His instruction by taking the Gospel to our community and beyond. By covering students in prayer and walking through life with them, we want to encourage our youth to fall more in love with their Savior each day. We strongly believe that God will work in amazing ways using the students that pass through RSM, and we are excited to play a part in His shaping of them.

Get Connected. Go Deeper.
“Refuge” is RSM’s midweek gathering that focuses on corporate worship and celebration. Each week Refuge gives students a safe place to connect with God and His people in many ways including laughter, games, music, prayer and challenging lessons. Here students from all walks of life and all levels of faith will unite their individual stories into God’s much greater story of love.
“K-Groups” are RSM’s, small group gatherings that focus on intimate community and discipleship. The “K” stand for koinonia, the Greek word for community and fellowship. In their K-Groups, students have the opportunity to build relationships, pray for one another, dig deep into the Word, and share personal struggles and victories in a small group setting. Each group will have an adult leader and will be made up of students of like age and gender.
The natural reaction after being exposed to Christ’s love is to take it outside the walls of the church. We want to give our students all the resources and encouragement they need to become local missionaries in their families, schools, and community. Students will also be given opportunities to serve in many different ways throughout the year, ranging from Riverbend’s weekly outreach “City Kids” to service projects during D-Now weekend and Student Life Mission Camp.
For more information about Riverbend Students click here!
“Refuge” is RSM’s midweek gathering that focuses on corporate worship and celebration. Each week Refuge gives students a safe place to connect with God and His people in many ways including laughter, games, music, prayer and challenging lessons. Here students from all walks of life and all levels of faith will unite their individual stories into God’s much greater story of love.
“K-Groups” are RSM’s, small group gatherings that focus on intimate community and discipleship. The “K” stand for koinonia, the Greek word for community and fellowship. In their K-Groups, students have the opportunity to build relationships, pray for one another, dig deep into the Word, and share personal struggles and victories in a small group setting. Each group will have an adult leader and will be made up of students of like age and gender.
The natural reaction after being exposed to Christ’s love is to take it outside the walls of the church. We want to give our students all the resources and encouragement they need to become local missionaries in their families, schools, and community. Students will also be given opportunities to serve in many different ways throughout the year, ranging from Riverbend’s weekly outreach “City Kids” to service projects during D-Now weekend and Student Life Mission Camp.
For more information about Riverbend Students click here!
Meet Our Youth Pastor
Alex Phelan
I am currently serving not only as our Worship Pastor but also as our Youth Pastor. I’ve loved music my whole life, but when God got a hold of my heart he gave me a clear direction on how to use that passion for His glory. Jeremiah 20:9 “If I say, I will not mention Him, or speak any more in His name, there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.” This verse has stayed with me over the years and it is my desire to show others how great our God is and the things He has done as we worship together.